Sunday 4 March 2018

Why is Planning The Most Important Stage of Writing a Dissertation?

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You will start with your dissertation soon, and are all pumped up to begin. You have the topic selected and the layout drawn in your mind. But wait! That is not going to do you any good. One of the biggest issues with dissertation is the lack of planning a student undertakes before starting with the same. Professional professors have pointed out that planning is the most important stage of writing a dissertation, yet we ignore it most of the time. So if you are still questioning the need to plan, keep reading the following article. If you need dissertation writing help, you can seek assistance from tutors as well. But for now, let’s concentrate on the planning process.

Why is planning important?

According to the dictionary, the planning process is a fundamental function that includes developing goals, strategies, task lists and schedules for a particular project. To achieve the best possible results, different planning initiatives are undertaken.

When you start with your dissertation, planning becomes integral because the thesis is a major commitment and is significant when the future perspective of a student is considered. It can either make or break your future. Thus, there is no questioning the importance of a dissertation. This also obviously highlights the need to plan. Just picking up a topic to elucidate on will not suffice. You need to write down the research passages, lay out a schedule and follow it, have the points neatly summarized and ultimately plan on your course of action (which part you want to finish first).

When you have all these aspects written down, executing them becomes easier. You don’t waste time on trivial issues and get more work done.

Thus, planning helps you execute your dissertation better while also making you more productive.

Few points for better dissertation

Now that you have understood the significance of planning, you should know how to put together a good dissertation. Here are a few points to refer to.

  • Pick a topic which you think will work well for you. You should be able to relate to it and speak about it comfortably.
  • Read as many books and relevant materials as you can. But relying only on trustworthy and credible sources is of absolute necessity.
  • Start the planning process after you have picked the topic.
  • Start with the topics which are most important and need more time and research.
  • If there are surveys, complete them before you start writing.

Thus, planning is important for completing your thesis. Get professional help for a nominal amount by registering with online academic portals today. 


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